The Spirit says
Ton 5
Ton 5, Number 5
(Ton, masculine principle, objective, intention)
Day 3 - Action
Inspiration / Ascend
Detachment that gives perspective
Love and Childbirth
Organization, support
At the center of the cube we find Five.
Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and natural net workers who gather what is needed.
It is a harmonic, the addition of the first Four days entering into resonance. Five has the authority to achieve, center.
Five gives power. Power is the capacity to express, to give shape to the spark of creativity which is the fruit of the meeting between the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Earth within your Being and within all entities who express the Universal Consciousness.
Find your center, your harmonic, your personal vibration which enchants your Heart and soothes your Spirit.
Simplicity is the reference!
Symbolizes: the fact that every act is sacred by nature, the quest of the perfect harmonic, simplicity, the capacity to see yourself in everything
The Heart says
Toj, Muluc, Offering, Moon, the payment and offering
(Kin, feminine principle, character, sentiment)
The universal law of cause and effect, complementarity
Day to share, make donation, work for free
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Direction: East
Animal: Puma
Body part: Ear and hearing
Opposite elements: Balance / Correction
Balance, cause and effect, take and give back, transparency, unity, liberation, community service, offering, peace, connection with the Earth and the Cosmos, communication, movement, magnetism, energy, fertility, emotion
Impulsiveness, worries, culpability, possessiveness
Toj is the offering time in order to balance the universe.
What has been taken has to be replaced or given back.
Thank for everything that was given to you. For the Life, the food, the air, the water, fire and earth. What is over sufficient should be given back.
Thank through your joy, through the music you give to the universe, with a gesture of heart to those around you, through your listening and attention
Nature gives enough for all to live, keeping and storing goods causes imbalances, a break, an obstacle in the distribution of energy..
Toj protects and supports the creatures that can remember and feed their creator.
Toj, symbolizes the sacrifice, the transparency in the world.