96%, Waning Gibbous Moon
96%, Waning Gibbous Moon

White Seed

  Ton 1 is the intention of the day
Imox  is the Character of the day
    Element: Fire

White Seed

Wed 21.08.2024 10:00 (UTC)   1 Imox

Potential energy

Tzolkin Maya, Sacred calendar

Melody of Mother Earth

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1 Imox, event of the Tzokin :

New Tzolkin cycle, New Birth


Ton cycle, Trecena, 13 days [UTC]

Duration 13 days
Start 21.08.2024 06:00
End 03.09.2024 06:00
Actual Ton
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 1/13
Start 21.08.2024 06:00
End 22.08.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 13 days

Jun, Ton 1, Number 1

(Ton, masculine principle, objective, intention)

Day 1 - Action

Inspiration / Ascend

Definition of new objective, choice of intention

Sacred Intention, Fire and Time, Birth, Creation of Life, Initiation, Motivation

Define a new objective, a new idea

The begining of every thing. The primary motivation, the spark of fire. The first. The whole. The all of one.

Identification and definition of goals and objectives. Foundation, principle of attraction, birth of the idea, blossoming of a new expression.

Symbolizes: The indivisibe essence, one heart, the essential vibration, new birth.


Kin cycle, Veintena, 20 days [UTC]

Duration 20 days
Start 21.08.2024 06:00
End 10.09.2024 06:00
Actual Kin
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 1/20
Start 21.08.2024 06:00
End 22.08.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 20 days

Imox, Imix, Crocodile, Dragon, the death initiation

(Kin, feminine principle, character, sentiment)

Primordial motivation, first thought, potentiality, latent energy

Day to give

Element: Fire
Color: Red
Direction: East
Animals: Crocodile, Fish
Body part: Blood
Opposite elements: Creation / Dissolution

Creation out of nothing, motivation, activation of inner and occult power, fire, gives support and energy, change, eccentric, sensibility, security, protection, spirituality, character, hypnotism, romanticism

Insecurity, violence, dishonesty, egoism, exaggeration

Imox is the Mysterious Energy that allows to create out of nothing, out of The Root from where everything comes and to where everything returns.

Imox Gives support, security and protection to the new created life that appears, to the inspiration, to the new idea that springs out of nowhere, to the project.

Imox gives the spark of inspiration, it is connected to the primal creative forces, the zero as the fundamental latent energy that contains all possible realities. The idea seems to appear from nowhere, given by the motivation to create, by the joy of living and by the spirit of the heart, the divine communication.

Observations of the Mayan Sage about the Spiritual/Energetic Entity of Nawal Imox

In Mayan language,
'Im' means Sacred Space/Time.
'Ox' refers to the Three Levels of Cosmic Evolution.

A sacred circuit, contained in ancient documents, begins the cycle of the 20 Nawalil
with the Nawal Imox, signifying its importance in the start of the birth, growth and evolution of the Cosmos.
Here is born the idea of creation from the initial space/time,
that some call 'the void'.

Imox is the sacred fluid found in the maternal amniotic sac of the Cosmos, generator of multidimensional life.