98%, Full Moon
98%, Full Moon

Yellow Seed

  Ton 1 is the intention of the day
Tzi  is the Character of the day
    Element: Air

Yellow Seed

Wed 22.05.2024 09:13 (UTC)   1 Tzi

Expressed energy

Tzolkin Maya, Sacred calendar

Melody of Mother Earth

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Ton cycle, Trecena, 13 days [UTC]

Duration 13 days
Start 22.05.2024 06:00
End 04.06.2024 06:00
Actual Ton
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 1/13
Start 22.05.2024 06:00
End 23.05.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 13 days

Jun, Ton 1, Number 1

(Ton, masculine principle, objective, intention)

Day 1 - Action

Inspiration / Ascend

Definition of new objective, choice of intention

Sacred Intention, Fire and Time, Birth, Creation of Life, Initiation, Motivation

Define a new objective, a new idea

The begining of every thing. The primary motivation, the spark of fire. The first. The whole. The all of one.

Identification and definition of goals and objectives. Foundation, principle of attraction, birth of the idea, blossoming of a new expression.

Symbolizes: The indivisibe essence, one heart, the essential vibration, new birth.


Kin cycle, Veintena, 20 days [UTC]

Duration 20 days
Start 13.05.2024 06:00
End 02.06.2024 06:00
Actual Kin
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 10/20
Start 22.05.2024 06:00
End 23.05.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 20 days

Sanskrit: Evolution through dissolution

"The good and the bad do not exist, there are only acts that allow to develop or not"

Tzi, Oc, Dog, the spiritual law

(Kin, feminine principle, character, sentiment)

Law of the heart, spiritual authority, loyalty, fidelity, guide, light, orientation

Day to act to the right direction

Element: Air
Color: White
Direction: North
Animal: Dog
Body part: Instinctive brain functions
Opposite elements: Purity / Impurity

Orientation, justice, fidelity, order, help and advice, light on truth, authority, protector of natural law, concentration, strategy, attention, instinct, positivism, prosperity, material and spiritual life

Manipulation, individualism, espionage, infidelity

Tzi symbolizes the spiritual law and the authority.
There is no need of human artificial laws when the understanding of the spiritual law is effective.

He is the guide of the deads. Tzi shows the right action to do, the correct behavior, how to act in the life.
Consider Death as a Loyal Friend, a companion of life, give Him your confidence and He will show you the road and be your Guide in life

Tzi is the perfect friend and companion, the one who can be trusted, the one who helps.
Lack of understanding leads to perversion.