100%, Full Moon
100%, Full Moon

White Seed

  Ton 2 is the intention of the day
Qanil  is the Character of the day
    Element: Earth

White Seed

Tue 17.09.2024 17:59 (UTC)   2 Qanil

Potential energy

Tzolkin Maya, Sacred calendar

Melody of Mother Earth

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Ton cycle, Trecena, 13 days [UTC]

Duration 13 days
Start 16.09.2024 06:00
End 29.09.2024 06:00
Actual Ton
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 2/13
Start 17.09.2024 06:00
End 18.09.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 13 days

Kab´, Ton 2, Number 2

(Ton, masculine principle, objective, intention)

Night 1 - Reaction - Listen

Inspiration / Ascend

Balance between intention and reality, discovering of problems, conflict

Earth, intelligence

Balance between the new idea and outer world, revelation of problems, conflicts

Recognition of the separation between oneself and others, between 'I' and 'You'. The keeping of balance while making choices of all kinds, light / dark, male / female, good / bad, Yin / Yang.

The polarity reveals the conflicts, problems, and apparent separation created by the dual thoughts. The challenge is to balance the extremes.

Observe what you like and what you dislike. Identify the obstacles. Give your attention to the Voice of your Heart and take Its concerns into account. Take time to build stability, to realize the balance between the opposing forces that manifest in you. Observe the gifts offered to you in your relationship.

Symbolizes: Duality, the sacred partnership, distinction, stability, sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, listening.


Kin cycle, Veintena, 20 days [UTC]

Duration 20 days
Start 10.09.2024 06:00
End 30.09.2024 06:00
Actual Kin
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 8/20
Start 17.09.2024 06:00
End 18.09.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 20 days

Qanil, Lamat, Star, the regeneration of earth

(Kin, feminine principle, character, sentiment)

Regeneration, fecundation, germination, self realization, expression

Day of self expression, express your true nature

Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Direction: South
Animal: Rabbit
Body part: Ovary, Spermatozoid
Opposite elements: Generosity / Egoism

Love, Seed, abundance, regeneration, message, wish, harmony, intuition, responsibility, travel, spiritual power, community work, fertility, start again, life cycle, change and evolution, inner tranquility and security, understanding

Pride, superiority, egoism, discordance

Qanil is the guardian of the seeds, associated with Venus, the big star, symbol of love and fecundation, the abundance of life.

Qanil expresses the human realization, it helps the Warrior in his travel to self realization, to accomplish his destiny. He is associated with the cycle of life, death and rebirth. It brings the inner power to express the personality and potentialities.

Qanil is the time of harvest and the thanks for the crops. There is a close connection with the kin Kiej, the sow and the harvest.