90%, Waning Gibbous Moon
90%, Waning Gibbous Moon

White Seed

  Ton 5 is the intention of the day
Batz  is the Character of the day
    Element: Water

White Seed

Fri 20.09.2024 17:59 (UTC)   5 Batz

Potential energy

Tzolkin Maya, Sacred calendar

Melody of Mother Earth

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Ton cycle, Trecena, 13 days [UTC]

Duration 13 days
Start 16.09.2024 06:00
End 29.09.2024 06:00
Actual Ton
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 5/13
Start 20.09.2024 06:00
End 21.09.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 13 days

Job´, Ton 5, Number 5

(Ton, masculine principle, objective, intention)

Day 3 - Action

Inspiration / Ascend

Detachment that gives perspective

Love and Childbirth

Organization, support

At the center of the cube we find Five.
Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and natural net workers who gather what is needed.
It is a harmonic, the addition of the first Four days entering into resonance. Five has the authority to achieve, center.
Five gives power. Power is the capacity to express, to give shape to the spark of creativity which is the fruit of the meeting between the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Earth within your Being and within all entities who express the Universal Consciousness.

Find your center, your harmonic, your personal vibration which enchants your Heart and soothes your Spirit.
Simplicity is the reference!

Symbolizes: the fact that every act is sacred by nature, the quest of the perfect harmonic, simplicity, the capacity to see yourself in everything


Kin cycle, Veintena, 20 days [UTC]

Duration 20 days
Start 10.09.2024 06:00
End 30.09.2024 06:00
Actual Kin
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 11/20
Start 20.09.2024 06:00
End 21.09.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 20 days

Batz, Chuen, Monkey, the master of the arts

(Kin, feminine principle, character, sentiment)

Cycle of time, inspiration, protection of the arts, humanity, chance

Day to begin a new story, day to laugh.. simply by being happy to be Alive

Element: Water
Color: Black or Blue
Direction: West
Animal: Monkey
Body part: Veins, Arteries
Opposite elements: Trust / Doubt

Creativity, imagination, spiritual connection, vision, future, evolution, infinite time (or does not exist), unity, community service, order, resolution of problems, arts, moving, humanity, life, sensibility, emotion, superstition, luck

Pride, arrogance, insecurity, unexpected acting or events

Batz is the master of arts and the link of time from the past to the future, he is the beginning of the story that will end in Tzi.
Batz could be very lucky and get the Inspiration but needs to acknowledge his opposite principle and overcome it, which is the quest of each one of us.

As Tzi'kin, the eagle, Batz is living in the trees and therefore can get the Gift of Inspiration, the spiritual vision. This detachment of life gives the ability to create all kind of arts.

Batz is the lucky day. The luck given to the beginner to motivate him to continue along this path. The boost that creates the way of destiny. Batz gets the luck to help others.

Batz is the laughing that gives all their relative importance to the events that occur.

The New Year of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar is celebrated on the day 8 Batz!