91%, Waning Gibbous Moon
As outside so inside

Sat 15.02.2025 16:34 (UTC)    
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Tzolkin Maya, Sacred calendar


Symbols used on this page

Symbol of Consciousness. Click this symbol on the whole website to get help about a specific subject
Symbol of Vision. Click this symbol on the whole website to get the global vision about a specific subject
Symbol of Knowledge. Click this symbol on the whole website to get more information about a specific subject
Symbol of the three states of time. Click this symbol to fix the selected day on the present day
Symbol of the three states of time. Click this symbol to fix the selected cycle on the next cycle
Symbol of the three states of time. Click this symbol to fix the selected cycle on the previous cycle
Symbol of the cycle, The Measure and The Movment, Ajaw, the Architect of the Universe (read more here). Cycles showed on this page are stalled on the natural sun position over Guatemala. Gregorian dates show the UTC time relative to the Guatemalan sun. The UTC time offset is -6:00. A Guatemalan day starts at UTC 06:00AM the same day and ends the next day at UTC 05:59AM
Symbol of the Venus Pentagram. The sacred relationship between Venus and Earth. Click on this symbol in the list below to see the astronomical events of the day. They are also 6:00 hours difference between the events showed in this page and the astronomical information in the Planets Influence page. Be attentive to the time selected in your calendar. All dates and times of astronomical events are corrects, only the calendar may look at a different time span..

10 Kawoq

Potential energy



2025 15 February




2025 6 February
19 February 2025



2025 28 January
17 February 2025



2024 21 August
8 May 2025

This page shows a list of days based on the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar cycles and its conterpart, the Tun Calendar.

The caterpillar will be your guide.

Her hat is a pyramid. It represents her time consciousness.

Each step of the pyramid represents a different cycle of the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar or a different time consciousness.
The upper level, the smallest one, is the consciousness of one day.

The symbol showed on the top of the pyramid is the selected day.

In this consciousness level, you only have the perception of one solar cycle. One day is the Human time unity. It is the dimension where we live.
This dimension is your own dimension of life. Your reality is synchronized to a single rotation of the Earh.
As one day is a whole life adventure of the Sun, starting with his birth in the morning, a life time during the day and the death in the night, we can also say that your own life time could be a Day made of many days, your age now. You are now living the Day of your Life. It is a fractal vision.

One day is a cell of time, its dimension could be a very long period of time or a short one. The cell is the same, working with different contents, but always expressing the same pattern.
So the hat of the caterpillar is composed of different steps. Each step is a time cell of different time length, but it is important to see each of them as a day, a unit of time, a life time, starting with a birth, enjoying a life time, and finishing with a death.

A unit of time is a cycle, a living entity….

… and a living entity is a cycle, a unit of time!

You can navigate in the calendar cycles with the caterpillar’s hat, your own hat. We can say that you can directly navigate in the Universal Consciousness using your own inner capacity to do it.
Remember that the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar or Cholq’ij calendar comes directly from this Universal Consciousness, it is expressing it, it is a tool to see, to meet and to integrate It.
Use your own hat to extend your consciousness. Play with your consciousness, put it in Great time cycles to understand how large cosmic entities are living, to feel what they feel. Put it in very small time cycles to ‘see’ how small cosmic entities are living.
Put it in your inner entity to find the door to enter in the outer world form inside. Your consciousness is the key to discover the real world, to discover who you really are.

Your own consciousness is like a bubble.
It is up to you to keep it small, only for you as an individual or even to forget it, make it inexistent, and let your ego controlling your life.
It is also up to you to share it with everything that exists. In this way you will discover the big family of the Universe as a unique entity made of everything that exists.
2025 6 February
19 February 2025

The hat of the caterpillar symbolizes her time consciousness.
Her head is a seed. The place where the consciousness will create the movement of the spirit, the energy.
The seed is the place where the Potential changes to Intention. Where the Form gives the Movement.
The head of the caterpillar will show the information about the selected cycle.

The body of the caterpillar is the expression of the seed. The plant, the entity, you.

It will be directly related to the selected cycle. It will be the expression of the consciousness. Like your body is an expression of your consciousness.

The caterpillar is a fractal being by excellence. Her body is modular. It is made of the suit of days of the selected cycle. The body of the caterpillar appears straight on the image, but in reality, it is circular, like a spiral. Each cycle end is connected with its next cycle start.

A cycle is a living conscious entity, possessing its own intention and its own character. The body of a cycle time is formed by the events that appear in this period.
Each module of the body is powered by its own sun, at the center. The vertical alignment of the sun could be compared to a spine.

A module is a unit of day, it contains everything necessary to build one day. A source of energy, an intention and a form. It is also a cosmic cell. Just like you are yourself a cosmic cell composed of a source of energy, an intention and a form (see The Measure and the Movement).
Each day begins with a birth and ends with a death.
The consciousness of one day shows a life composed of a birth, a life time and a death.

The extension of consciousness in time reveals another phenomenon. Beyond the appearance of a single life, that means of the reduced consciousness that represents a single day, we can see that this is not a single individual life that appears punctually in time, but a real uninterrupted and coherent suit of days. Life follows the same principle as the sun. Although it seems that life on earth ends at the moment of death, it is repeated endlessly by the constant emergence of a new cycle and therefore a new birth.

The entire cycle forms the body of the caterpillar as the entire cycle of the human forms the HUMAN

… and finally with this vision in her heart, the caterpillar will turn into a wonderful butterfly

Note that this caterpillar only shows a small part of the information about one day ;)

This part of the caterpillar explains the information of the body modules.

In the center you find the Sun, the One who is bringing us the Energy of the day, the Intention.
The Cosmos around him is the Form of the day, the Zero, the Mother.

At the right side of the Sun you will find his Intention, the Ton of the day, the Energy.
At the Left side of the Sun you will find his Character, the Kin of the day, the essence, the Form

The general right side of the sun symbolizes individual and/or material events
The general left side of the sun symbolizes collective feelings or intentions

Again click on the circles of consciousness to see more explanation about each element of the day

The left side
On the left side, after the Kin of the day, you will find the state of the Moon, the opposite side of the Sun, the Mother Energy. Note that the exact apparent size of the Moon is the size of the Sun!

After the Moon, you will find the Intention of the 20 days cycle (veintena).. The Loader of the veintena.
Then comes the character of the 13 days cycle (trecena). The Loader of the trecena.
Both and again they are like the Kin and Ton of the single day, but preparing to the next level of consciousness, the whole Tzolkin calendar, cycle of 260 days.

Finally, on the left side, you will find another level of time consciousness, again it is coming with its opposite, at the very right side column.
It is an Intention, the Intention of a 360 days cycle based on the relationship between the Tzokin calendar, the Mother, and the Tun calendar, the Father. This relationship makes a ‘bigger’ Tzolkin calendar of 4’680 days made of 360 x 13 days.
We all are this relationship. It is our own collective 360 days Intention, based on the beginning of the Long Count calendar of 5200 Tun, 1’872’000 days, 5’125 years.
The important event of this cycle is the second 4 Ahau of 2012, the 21th of December 2012. This day is the birth day of the Great Cycle, the return to the source of the Great Consciousness, the return of the Ancestors

The right side
On the right side, after the Ton of the day, you will find the astronomic events of the current day (if there are)
After that you will find the general events of the calendar, these events are expressions of the general Calendar.
The last information in the right side are only visible if you are logged in, because they require your own birthday.
If the flower appears on the right side, it is an event for you on that day

And finally we have the last information about the cell of the day, the body module of the caterpillar. It is the opposite Intention of the very left side.
It is an Intention, the Intention of a 360 days cycle based on the relationship between the Tzokin calendar, the Mother, and the Tun calendar, the Father. This relationship makes a bigger Tzolkin calendar of 4’680 days made of 360 x 13 days.
You are this relationship. It is your own individual 360 days Intention, based on your own birth day.











2025 6 February View this day in
2025 7 February View this day in
2025 8 February View this day in
2025 9 February View this day in
2025 10 February View this day in
2025 11 February View this day in
2025 12 February View this day in
2025 13 February View this day in
2025 14 February View this day in
2025 15 February

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2025 18 February View this day in