78%, Waxing Gibbous Moon
78%, Waxing Gibbous Moon
Ix is the Guide of the day
Ajmaq the Complement Ton 10 is the Intention of the day
Kame is the Nawal of the day
Aaj the Support
Tzikin has the role of the Left Hand this day

Sat 18.05.2024 16:00 (UTC)   10 Kame

Expressed energy

Nawal of the day

The Inner Influence


Dresden Mayan Codex

The Flower is the Nawal's symbol


The Nawal is the vibration of a specific day, the Melody of the day.

It represents the Inner vibration of the new created entity. If you are born this day, this vibration will be your own Nawal. You will keep it during your whole life as your proper character and destiny.

Each one should take the road of his Inner World and find the way to balance himself from inside. Our behavior in the Outer world is directly related to our understanding of our Inner World.

The quest of the real Warrior is an inner fight against himself, the sacrifice of his ego and the discovery of the transparency of the world, the erasing of the illusion.

The Nawal will be your helper and guide in life. It will tell you what are your strengths and weaknesses.

Remember that each day of the Tzolkin cycle has a specific Nawal. Find the way to synchronize your Inner World with the energy of the present.

Imagine the flight of a bird in the sky. His intention gives him the reason why he is flying, his character is his own manner of flying. Then his flight needs balance to be able to stay in the air into the specific weather of the day..

- The Nawal is not what you want to be, but what you need to Be -

Kame, Cimi, Transformer, the death and rebirth

Kame is the Kin of the day, the Flower and Nawal. He is the Character, Essence and Destiny. He gives vital force.

Communication with ancestors, resistance against badness, movement and evolution of all that composes the universe

Day of respect and remembering of ancestors

Element: Air
Color: White
Direction: North
Animal: Owl
Body part: Physical death
Opposite elements: Rebirth / Death

Connection with other dimensions, spiritual power, law, evolution, life cycle, rebirth, trust, clarity, harmony, unexpected events, surprise, revelation, understanding, prudence, magnetism, charisma

Death, anxiety, nightmare, aggressiveness, lie, fear

Kame represents the cycles of reincarnations.
The death and rebirth, the movement of evolution. The end of all things into death.
It is the time of resynchronization, the total integration with the universal consciousness, the back to the roots, the rediscovering of the absolute reference.
This moment is very important, it gives the understanding of what remains to be done and the energy to undertake it, it is the new try and the new opportunity.

Kame gives the opportunity for a new beginning based on a sudden understanding of things, like a vision or intuition. This is in fact a connection with the ancestors, an advice sent from the Heart of the Earth.

Kame allows changes, replacing what is limiting, erasing the boundaries.

The Intention of the day is Ton 10

Night 5 - Reaction - Listen

Expiration / Descend

Manifestation, materialization


Manifestation of new idea

What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of Ten.

This is the energy when what has had attention and intention focused upon it, becomes real.
A powerful energy that carries a great responsibility. Extreme perfection, everything must be perfect in order for things to manifest, to produce.

Tends to perfect everything, shows, produces, faces challenges, and overcomes obstacles.

What does your heart want to manifest?

Begin with your true essence and follow with your intentions. Face your challenges. Transcend life's obstacles, giving it your best, with consciousness, in order to serve others best.

Symbolizes: Intention, motivation, creation, true identity, revelation, expression and discovery.


Today's Nawal has four principles who are helping him to balance..

Aaj, Reed, Ben, Sky Walker, the resurrection of the maize

Aaj is the Support principle. He will give what is needed to realize the destiny.

Multiplication of all things, life, spiritual development, consciousness

Day to feel like a child

Element: Fire
Color: Red
Direction: East
Animal: Armadillo
Body part: Spine
Opposite elements: Development / Introversion

Abundance, love, multiplication, development, connection with trees and earth, power, harmony, unity, Heart of the Earth, inner fire, community, integrity, honesty, purity, morality, sacred words, back to the origin, simplicity, justice, emotions, authority, perfection, social projection

Instability, sadness, anger, introversion, obsession, indifference, pride

Aaj is the energy of multiplication.
The ability of everything to grow and replicate itself to create the diversity of life. An ocean of forms, shapes, colors that compose the nature. The experience of life throughout infinite manners and characters.

From the Unique, Aaj creates Multitude. Multitude in Unique and Unique in Multitude.

Aaj is an explorer, a curious, trying all possibilities, revels in originality, he explores all directions.
As universe is a living entity with an own personality, Aaj is his expansion and development principle.

Aaj is the protector of the childhood.

Tzikin, Men, Eagle, the bird, the vision

Tzikin is the Left Hand principle, the little Demon.

He will act to put traps and problems on the road.

Vision, connection with the heart of the sky, good fortune

Day to observe the signs

Element: Water
Color: Black or Blue
Direction: West
Animal: Eagle, Birds
Body part: Eyes, Vision
Opposite elements: Luck / Misery

Vision, dreams, liberty, global consciousness, divination, intuition, mysticism, independence, luck, magnetism, understanding, idealism, authority, arts, imagination, joy, eccentricity, communication

Anger, lack of memory, irresponsibility, envy, exaggeration, egoism

Tzi'kin symbolizes the vision, the ability to see beyond the decor.
It gives the detachment and altitude to see the surroundings with perspective. The vision comes from the Heart of the Sky, it is the comprehension, the light on the road, the idea.

Tzi'kin shows the direction to go to, he is the divination, the reading of the future as a logical development of the story based on the present and past.

The right balance between intuition, dream and perception generates vision.

After getting the vision, wait until Noj to take the right decision.. ;)

Ix, Jaguar, Magician, the jaguar

Ix is the Guide principle.

He shows the right way to realize the Destiny.
Note that the Guide always has the same color as the Nawal..:

- .. the Guide points to the Inner World .. -

Connection with earth, occult forces, shamanism, life principle, fertility

Day to be kind with animals, the nature, the earth, respect life

Element: Air
Color: White
Direction: North
Animal: Jaguar
Body part: Muscles
Opposite elements: Occultism / Materialism

Occultism, mysticism, unknown, magic, feminine energy, connection with nature and spirits, shamanism, spiritual wealth and material poverty, inner experience and feeling, discovering of new abilities, sensibility, bravery, courage, resistance

Moody, pride, egocentrism, envy, ambition

Ix symbolizes the Heart of the Earth, the unconsciousness and the matter as one.
The unconsciousness is the fertile ground that allows spirit to grow, as the Earth for the plant.
Ix is the invisible, the mystery, the unknown. It gives the power of creation of life out of nothing. Ix is the jaguar, the feminine principle that creates fertility for human, animals and plants.

Ix is the nawal of the shamans, the ones who travel through different levels of consciousness, and know the Primal Language, the universal communication tool that allows to speak with animals, plants, mountains.

Ajmaq, Cib, Warrior, the sin and the forgiveness

Ajmaq is the Complement principle.

He is the opposite energy of Kame, the Kin of the day.

Wisdom, intelligence, connection with the ancient world, the spirit of the warrior

Day to meditate

Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Direction: South
Animals: Bee, Insects
Body part: Aura
Opposite elements: Morality / Cheat

Heart of the Earth, wisdom, trust, connection with ancient knowledge, spirituality, philosophy, important message, intelligence, forgiveness, introspection, reflection, sagacity, feeling of infinite inner world

Indiscipline, lie, jealousy, irresponsibility, infidelity, hard character

Ajmaq symbolizes the connections from and to the brain.
It is the spirit, the communion with the other Nawals, the moral force, the ability to acknowledge its own mistakes, the wisdom, the pure spirit of the warrior.

It is the lesson of the ancestors, the remembering of past lives.
The ancestors: "For the return we will prepare, our mission is accomplished and our days over. We must go. Do not forget us, it is important not to erase us from your memory. Take care of your home, of your earth. So be it. You will go on the path, you will see from where we came. Listen, my words stay with you, they will advise your heart".

Ajmaq is the messenger of the sacred past, the memory of the Earth, it represents the wisdom of stones and old trees.

Ajmaq is related to Toj, the sin is to forget to thank for all what we have.