Nawal of the day
The Inner Influence
The Flower is the Nawal's symbol
The Nawal is the vibration of a specific day, the Melody of the day.
It represents the Inner vibration of the new created entity. If you are born this day, this vibration will be your own Nawal. You will keep it during your whole life as your proper character and destiny.
Each one should take the road of his Inner World and find the way to balance himself from inside.
Our behavior in the Outer world is directly related to our understanding of our Inner World.
The quest of the real Warrior is an inner fight against himself, the sacrifice of his ego and the discovery of the transparency of the world, the erasing of the illusion.
The Nawal will be your helper and guide in life. It will tell you what are your strengths and weaknesses.
Remember that each day of the Tzolkin cycle has a specific Nawal. Find the way to synchronize your Inner World with the energy of the present.
Imagine the flight of a bird in the sky. His intention gives him the reason why he is flying, his character is his own manner of flying. Then his flight needs balance to be able to stay in the air into the specific weather of the day..
- The Nawal is not what you want to be, but what you need to Be -
Aq'ab'al, Akbal, the night
Aqabal is the Kin of the day, the Flower and Nawal. He is the Character, Essence and Destiny. He gives vital force.
Victory over darkness, fears, justice
Day of introspection
Element: Water
Color: Black or Blue
Direction: West
Animal: Bat
Body part: Stomach
Opposite elements: Light / Darkness
Magic, vision, perspective, understanding, global view, divination, opportunity, luck, need of change, fun, laugh and joy, polarities, opposite forces and characters, resistance against negative power, trust, regeneration, juvenility
Insecurity, fear, obscurity, duality, steal, irresponsibility
Aqabal represents the night, the obscure, the unknown, the fears we have and the magic in the world.
It is the kingdom of darkness, the place where appear our deep fears. The real understanding of the world allows oneself to overcome his fears and bring the light of the truth.
Aqabal is the root of the world, it is the one which gives the opportunity to pounce from the bottom to the surface. The light could not exist without the darkness.
The one who knows has no fear.
With a blink of an eye and a kind child's laughing, Aqabal reminds us that
What we call 'The Reality' is a pure expression of the Mystery ;))
How can one claim to know the World when it is the manifestation of the Mystery, Herself..
Aqabal is the magic of the night, of the strange creatures dancing under the moon.
The Intention of the day is Ton 1
Day 1 - Action
Inspiration / Ascend
Definition of new objective, choice of intention
Sacred Intention, Fire and Time, Birth, Creation of Life, Initiation, Motivation
Define a new objective, a new idea
The begining of every thing. The primary motivation, the spark of fire. The first. The whole. The all of one.
Identification and definition of goals and objectives. Foundation, principle of attraction, birth of the idea, blossoming of a new expression.
Symbolizes: The indivisibe essence, one heart, the essential vibration, new birth.
Today's Nawal has four principles who are helping him to balance..
Ajmaq, Cib, Warrior, the sin and the forgiveness
Ajmaq is the Support principle. He will give what is needed to realize the destiny.
Wisdom, intelligence, connection with the ancient world, the spirit of the warrior
Day to meditate
Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Direction: South
Animals: Bee, Insects
Body part: Aura
Opposite elements: Morality / Cheat
Heart of the Earth, wisdom, trust, connection with ancient knowledge, spirituality, philosophy, important message, intelligence, forgiveness, introspection, reflection, sagacity, feeling of infinite inner world
Indiscipline, lie, jealousy, irresponsibility, infidelity, hard character
Ajmaq symbolizes the connections from and to the brain.
It is the spirit, the communion with the other Nawals, the moral force, the ability to acknowledge its own mistakes, the wisdom, the pure spirit of the warrior.
It is the lesson of the ancestors, the remembering of past lives.
The ancestors:
"For the return we will prepare,
Our mission is accomplished and our days over.
We must go.
Do not forget us,
It is important not to erase us from your memory.
Take care of your Home, of your Earth.
So let it be.
You will go on the Path,
you will see from where we came.
Listen, my Words stay with you,
They will advise your Heart."
Ajmaq is the messenger of the sacred past, the memory of the Earth, it represents the wisdom of stones and old trees.
Ajmaq is related to Toj, the sin is to forget to thank for all what we have.
Tijax, Etznab, Flint, Mirror, the knife of sacrifice
Tijax is the Left Hand principle, the little Demon.
He will act to put traps and problems on the road.
Fractal vision, as inside so outside, self sacrifice, loss of ego
Day to accept the world as it is
Element: Air
Color: White
Direction: North
Animals: Owl, Toucan, Swordfish
Body part: Teeth, Tongue
Opposite elements: Inner world / Outer world
Selflessness, transparency, integrity, harmony, spiritual liberation, connection with stones and crystals, control, navigation, justice, bravery, intuition, talent, lightness, collaboration, compassion
Egocentrism, sadness, danger, insecurity, possessiveness, jealousy
Tijax is the obsidian knife, the principle of sacrifice.
Sacrifice has to be seen as the loss of ego and not the loss of life.
Tijax is the mirror, the reflection from outside to inside and inside to outside. The understanding and realization of the fractal character of the world.
The outer world is the physical expression of the inner sentiments and feelings.
We are not inside the universe but we are the universe.
Tijax is the feeling of transparency, the integration of the whole, the dissolution of the ego into realization, understanding.
The fractal consciousness, the integration of the universe.
If the definition of a fractal is
"a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole"
and if one fractal can be drawn or found in the nature then.. the universe is fractal.
Mathematically, based on our current understanding of the world, statistics tell us that it is impossible for you to be present right now, reading this text ... but you Are... You are a Miracle!
Tijax says "I am here, but in reality I know that I am not here."
Aq'ab'al, Akbal, the night
Aqabal is the Guide principle.
He shows the right way to realize the Destiny.
Note that the Guide always has the same color as the Nawal..:
- .. the Guide points to the Inner World .. -
Victory over darkness, fears, justice
Day of introspection
Element: Water
Color: Black or Blue
Direction: West
Animal: Bat
Body part: Stomach
Opposite elements: Light / Darkness
Magic, vision, perspective, understanding, global view, divination, opportunity, luck, need of change, fun, laugh and joy, polarities, opposite forces and characters, resistance against negative power, trust, regeneration, juvenility
Insecurity, fear, obscurity, duality, steal, irresponsibility
Aqabal represents the night, the obscure, the unknown, the fears we have and the magic in the world.
It is the kingdom of darkness, the place where appear our deep fears. The real understanding of the world allows oneself to overcome his fears and bring the light of the truth.
Aqabal is the root of the world, it is the one which gives the opportunity to pounce from the bottom to the surface. The light could not exist without the darkness.
The one who knows has no fear.
With a blink of an eye and a kind child's laughing, Aqabal reminds us that
What we call 'The Reality' is a pure expression of the Mystery ;))
How can one claim to know the World when it is the manifestation of the Mystery, Herself..
Aqabal is the magic of the night, of the strange creatures dancing under the moon.
Aaj, Reed, Ben, Sky Walker, the resurrection of the maize
Aaj is the Complement principle.
He is the opposite energy of Aqabal, the Kin of the day.
Multiplication of all things, life, spiritual development, consciousness
Day to feel like a child
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Direction: East
Animal: Armadillo
Body part: Spine
Opposite elements: Development / Introversion
Abundance, love, multiplication, development, connection with trees and earth, power, harmony, unity, Heart of the Earth, inner fire, community, integrity, honesty, purity, morality, sacred words, back to the origin, simplicity, justice, emotions, authority, perfection, social projection
Instability, sadness, anger, introversion, obsession, indifference, pride
Aaj is the energy of multiplication.
The ability of everything to grow and replicate itself to create the diversity of life. An ocean of forms, shapes, colors that compose the nature. The experience of life throughout infinite manners and characters.
From the Unique, Aaj creates Multitude. Multitude in Unique and Unique in Multitude.
Aaj is an explorer, a curious, trying all possibilities, revels in originality, he explores all directions.
As universe is a living entity with an own personality, Aaj is his expansion and development principle.
Aaj is the protector of the childhood.