26%, Waxing Crescent Moon
26%, Waxing Crescent Moon
Kawoq is the Guide of the day
Toj the Complement Ton 6 is the Intention of the day
Kawoq is the Nawal of the day
Ajpu the Support
Iq` has the role of the Left Hand this day

Sun 08.09.2024 16:00 (UTC)   6 Kawoq

Potential energy

Nawal of the day

The Inner Influence


Dresden Mayan Codex

The Flower is the Nawal's symbol


The Nawal is the vibration of a specific day, the Melody of the day.

It represents the Inner vibration of the new created entity. If you are born this day, this vibration will be your own Nawal. You will keep it during your whole life as your proper character and destiny.

Each one should take the road of his Inner World and find the way to balance himself from inside. Our behavior in the Outer world is directly related to our understanding of our Inner World.

The quest of the real Warrior is an inner fight against himself, the sacrifice of his ego and the discovery of the transparency of the world, the erasing of the illusion.

The Nawal will be your helper and guide in life. It will tell you what are your strengths and weaknesses.

Remember that each day of the Tzolkin cycle has a specific Nawal. Find the way to synchronize your Inner World with the energy of the present.

Imagine the flight of a bird in the sky. His intention gives him the reason why he is flying, his character is his own manner of flying. Then his flight needs balance to be able to stay in the air into the specific weather of the day..

- The Nawal is not what you want to be, but what you need to Be -

Kawoq, Cauac, Storm, the community of the universe

Kawoq is the Kin of the day, the Flower and Nawal. He is the Character, Essence and Destiny. He gives vital force.

Strength of character, intuition, storm, family, fight for truth

Day to do what there is to do

Element: Water
Color: Black or Blue
Direction: West
Animal: Turtle
Body part: Heart
Opposite elements: Justice / Dispute

Community, family, feminine energy, fertility, valour, nobility, imagination, divination, guidance, dream, abundance, security, justice, collaboration, authority

Intractability , hard character, clumsiness, culpability

Kawoq is the energy of change, the Nawal of the storms, the disputes, the discharge of unbalanced situations.

Kawoq is related to Kan, he is intuitive, violent. It is the time after which the peace returns. It could be perceived as a bad day but in fact it is not. As the water of the river is going from up to down, Kawoq just restores the tensed elements into harmony, it brings each member of the family back together.

Kawoq gives the energy to change things, it is the detonator, the last drop that makes the glass overflow.

Kawoq is the expression of the storm, the cyclone. From his point of view, everything seems to whirl around him, turn around, overturn, go up and down, get tangled. Kawoq is in constant turmoil.
When Kawoq realizes himself, he becomes aware of his Center, of his Eye.
The Eye of the cyclone is the absolute reference of peace and tranquility.

Kawoq points to the Center, to the absolute Silence, Zero, the One who looks through the Eye of the ultimate Observer, the deep 'I'.

The Intention of the day is Ton 6

Night 3 - Reaction - Listen

Inspiration / Ascend

Movement, integration of the Intention in a real context

Death, fluidity

Transformation, integration of new ideas

The movement of volume through space creating time.
Six is the energy of negotiation and responsiveness. It is the energy of apprehension of volume and time, the attention, the art of jugglers and dancers.

Think of the complete loss of ego in a spatial movement with closed eyes to imagine its energy in action.
Six energy facilitates dynamic developments and improvments in all aspects of life.

Symbolizes: Rythme, equilibrium.


Today's Nawal has four principles who are helping him to balance..

Ajpu, Ajaw, Ahau, Sun, the lord of the blowpipe

Ajpu is the Support principle. He will give what is needed to realize the destiny.

The full realization, the victory, the flower, the king, the sun and the moon

Day to shine

Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Direction: South
Animal: Human
Body part: Chest
Opposite elements: Everything / Emptiness

The One the All, universal understanding, full realization, security, spiritual Warrior, Human being, Sun, power of life, fertility, infinity, knowledge, wisdom, integration of the world, friendship, guidance, wish, message, origin

Egocentrism, individualism, doubt, anger, irresponsibility

Ajpu is the time of the victory, the time before the new birth, the completion of the cycle.
Ajpu symbolizes the Mayan zero which is in the same time the All and the Nothing. It is pure potential, opportunities to realize. It is the Seed and its Wish of Life.

Ajpu also symbolizes the infinite power, the universal understanding, the immortality, the integration of the World. It is the fusion of love and spirit, the male and female principles, the full realization.

It is a very powerful day that brings the liberation, the solution to problems and gives the strength of the Warrior.

Ajpu/Ajaw says:

- The Present Is The Present -

Iq`, Ik`, Wind, the breath of life

Iq` is the Left Hand principle, the little Demon.

He will act to put traps and problems on the road.

Blow, exhalation, power of life, liberation

Day to send messages, day of the sacred idols

Element: Air
Color: White
Direction: North
Animal: Hummingbird
Body part: Respiratory system
Opposite elements: Help / Destruction

Clarity, purity, move, change, inspiration, travel, liberty, spirit, harmony, purification, imagination, mathematical mind, capricious, communication, divination, signs

Impulsive, changing, moody, hard character, infidelity

Iq` carries new creations.
It represents the movement of the change, the dissemination of the seeds according to the winds, the trust into creation. Iq` gives the power to Life, it blows in new energy and blows out too heavy old thoughts, like the respiration of the body, the respiration of the leaves, of the Earth or the periodic tide of the sea..

Iq` is the day of the Heart of the Earth which is the source of inspiration of ones heart, the quantum vibration and also the day of the Heart of the Sky which is the source of inspiration of ones spirit, the cosmic vibration.

Iq` is a very powerful energy that can be either a smooth breeze of creation or a violent storm of destruction.

Kawoq, Cauac, Storm, the community of the universe

Kawoq is the Guide principle.

He shows the right way to realize the Destiny.
Note that the Guide always has the same color as the Nawal..:

- .. the Guide points to the Inner World .. -

Strength of character, intuition, storm, family, fight for truth

Day to do what there is to do

Element: Water
Color: Black or Blue
Direction: West
Animal: Turtle
Body part: Heart
Opposite elements: Justice / Dispute

Community, family, feminine energy, fertility, valour, nobility, imagination, divination, guidance, dream, abundance, security, justice, collaboration, authority

Intractability , hard character, clumsiness, culpability

Kawoq is the energy of change, the Nawal of the storms, the disputes, the discharge of unbalanced situations.

Kawoq is related to Kan, he is intuitive, violent. It is the time after which the peace returns. It could be perceived as a bad day but in fact it is not. As the water of the river is going from up to down, Kawoq just restores the tensed elements into harmony, it brings each member of the family back together.

Kawoq gives the energy to change things, it is the detonator, the last drop that makes the glass overflow.

Kawoq is the expression of the storm, the cyclone. From his point of view, everything seems to whirl around him, turn around, overturn, go up and down, get tangled. Kawoq is in constant turmoil.
When Kawoq realizes himself, he becomes aware of his Center, of his Eye.
The Eye of the cyclone is the absolute reference of peace and tranquility.

Kawoq points to the Center, to the absolute Silence, Zero, the One who looks through the Eye of the ultimate Observer, the deep 'I'.

Toj, Muluc, Offering, Moon, the payment and offering

Toj is the Complement principle.

He is the opposite energy of Kawoq, the Kin of the day.

The universal law of cause and effect, complementarity

Day to share, make donation, work for free

Element: Fire
Color: Red
Direction: East
Animal: Puma
Body part: Ear and hearing
Opposite elements: Balance / Correction

Balance, cause and effect, take and give back, transparency, unity, liberation, community service, offering, peace, connection with the Earth and the Cosmos, communication, movement, magnetism, energy, fertility, emotion

Impulsiveness, worries, culpability, possessiveness

Toj is the offering time in order to balance the universe.
What has been taken has to be replaced or given back.

Thank for everything that was given to you. For the Life, the food, the air, the water, fire and earth. What is over sufficient should be given back.
Thank through your joy, through the music you give to the universe, with a gesture of heart to those around you, through your listening and attention
Nature gives enough for all to live, keeping and storing goods causes imbalances, a break, an obstacle in the distribution of energy..
Toj protects and supports the creatures that can remember and feed their creator.

Toj, symbolizes the sacrifice, the transparency in the world.