46%, Last Quarter Moon

Yellow Seed

Pisces<br/>Principle:Female<br/>Element:Water<br/>Opposite:Virgo (Earth) Aquarius<br/>Principle:Male<br/>Element:Air<br/>Opposite:Leo (Fire) Capricorn<br/>Principle:Female<br/>Element:Earth<br/>Opposite:Cancer (Water) Sagittarius<br/>Principle:Male<br/>Element:Fire<br/>Opposite:Gemini (Air) Scorpio<br/>Principle:Female<br/>Element:Water<br/>Opposite:Taurus (Earth) Libra<br/>Principle:Male<br/>Element:Air<br/>Opposite:Aries (Fire) Virgo<br/>Principle:Female<br/>Element:Earth<br/>Opposite:Pisces (Water) Leo<br/>Principle:Male<br/>Element:Fire<br/>Opposite:Aquarius (Air) Cancer<br/>Principle:Female<br/>Element:Water<br/>Opposite:Capricorn (Earth) Gemini<br/>Principle:Male<br/>Element:Air<br/>Opposite:Sagittarius (Fire) Taurus<br/>Principle:Female<br/>Element:Earth<br/>Opposite:Scorpio (Water) Aries<br/>Principle:Male<br/>Element:Fire<br/>Opposite:Libra (Air)  

Saturn<br> in Pisces<br/>from 07.03.2023 to 25.05.2025<br/> Average time 2.5 years/constellation Neptune<br> in Pisces<br/>from 04.02.2012 to 30.03.2025<br/> Average time 14 years/constellation

Pluto<br> in Aquarius<br/>from 21.01.2024 to 02.09.2024<br/> Average time 20 years/constellation





Sun<br> in Virgo<br/>from 22.08.2024 to 22.09.2024<br/> Average time 1 month/constellation Venus<br/>Evening Star in Virgo<br/>from 05.08.2024 to 29.08.2024<br/> Average time 18 days/constellation

Mercury<br> in Leo<br/>from 15.08.2024 to 09.09.2024<br/> Average time 7 days/constellation


Moon<br/>46%, Last Quarter Moon<br/> in Gemini<br/>from 26.08.2024 to 28.08.2024<br/> Average time 2 days/constellation Mars<br> in Gemini<br/>from 21.07.2024 to 04.09.2024<br/> Average time 57 days/constellation Jupiter<br> in Gemini<br/>from 26.05.2024 to 10.06.2025<br/> Average time 1 year/constellation

Uranus<br> in Taurus<br/>from 06.03.2019 to 07.07.2025<br/> Average time 7 years/constellation


  Ton 6 is the intention of the day
Kame  is the Character of the day
    Element: Air

Yellow Seed

Mon 26.08.2024 17:59 (UTC)   6 Kame

Expressed energy

Planetary positions

Planets Influence

See overview


Ruler of Leo


Opposite sign:Aquarius (Air)

Main character: Stable, disciplined, not easily influenced

Leo is mainly interested in his own affairs. He shows off and likes to be the centre of attention. He is creative, proud of himself. But he knows his responsibilities and duties. He looses his egocentrism when necessary and becomes very generous.


The Sun is the biggest planet in the sky and therefore has big influence.
Sun is the Father of the day. He is the creator of the Illusion. He hides the stars during the day and shows the materialistic face of the world.

Sun brings life, power, energy, increases ego, spirit, materialism

Principle: Male, Father
Average time in each constellation: 1 month

Maximum influence in Leo, creativity, authority, ambition, vanity, egocentrism
Minimum influence in Aquarius, differentiation, originality, eccentricity



Ruler of du Cancer


Opposite sign:Capricorn (Earth)

Main character: Leader, getter, renovator

Cancer is the master of emotions as well as the family and home. She is a go-getter, a leader and a champion. She is tenacious, brave and audacious.
At the same time she expresses the maternal instinct, kindness, sweetness, clemency, softness. She hides in her carapace because she is vulnerable.


The Moon is the most brilliant star of the night. She is the guide of the Sun during his travel in the Underworld at night.
Her influence and character change very fast as she spends only about two days in each Constellation. She is the Mother principle. She symbolizes love, magic and beauty in the world. She is also the mask you put on yourself to hide your sensibility.

Moon brings love, sensibility, sentiments, requirement, necessity, harmony

Principle: Female, Mother
Average time in each constellation: 2 days

Maximum influence in Cancer, emotions, affection, tenderness, maternity, comfort, warmth, sociability, susceptibility
Minimum influence in Capricorn, conservatism, shyness, restriction, retreat

Look at the full Moon and try to memorize the sentiment you get!
Share this sentiment with your friends
We all have the same Moon ;)

Phases of the Moon
New Moon The inspiration, the start of a new story
Waxing Crescent Moon The new Seed in the ground
Quarter Moon The appearance of the intention
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Full Moon Time to take decision
Waning Gibbous Moon The expiration, dull influence
Last Quarter Moon The harvest
Waning Crescent Moon



Ruler of Gemini


Opposite sign:Sagittarius (Fire)

Main character: Unstable, he prefers to let the destiny works for him, non combatant

Gemini is a discoverer. He possesses logical thinking. He has an awareness orientated spirit. He is like the leaf in the wind, perennial and nervous. He does ten things in the same time, making he seems unstable.

Ruler of Virgo


Opposite sign:Pisces (Water)

Main character: Unstable, she prefers to let the destiny works for her, non combatant

Virgo is the Mother-Earth. She is the deity of fertility, purity, robustness and self-sacrifice. She is an expression of the spirit of analysis. She is maniacal about cleanliness, precision and organization. She has a lack of self confidence.


Mercury represents the awareness of himself and others, in fact the inner and outer worlds.
Mercury is the Master of short travel, communication and self expression. It is the learner and the teacher. It is the time to learn, to walk, to discover the world.

Mercury brings intelligence, culture, openings, neutrality, curiosity

Principle: Hermaphrodite, duality spirit/emotion
Average time in each constellation: 7 days

Maximum influence in Gemini, knowledge, communication, logic, curiosity, discussion, discovering, adaptability, stress
Minimum influence in Sagittarius, philosophy, studies of other cultures, free spirit, travel and adventure

Maximum influence in Virgo, criticism, analysis mind, order, irritability
Minimum influence in Pisces, poesy, imagination, art, confusion, illusion, dream, occultism

His opposite principle is the introversion



Ruler of Libra


Opposite sign:Aries (Fire)

Main character: Leader, getter, renovator

Libra has a double character like Gemini and Sagittarius. He is balancing between the social world and the intimacy of a loving relationship.
Libra is the master of indecision. He deeply understands and sees the choices he has to make and therefore cannot make decision. And even when the decision is made, he is not convinced it is the right one.
On the other hand, he easily solves conflicts between people. He is a natural diplomat, artist and seducer.

Ruler of Taurus


Opposite sign:Scorpio (Water)

Main character: Stable, disciplined, not easily influenced

Taurus is attached to the past. She likes comfort, sensuality and well being as well as security and family. She is obstinate and dislikes change.


Venus is beauty, elegance and grace. She represents the beauty, the sensibility and the tenderness of the feminine principle. She has all the qualities and potentials for a love relationship. She is a diplomat as well as creative. Her opposite principles are aggression and jealousy.

The Venus cycle has a close synchronicity connection with the Tzolkin calendar which is used as a tool for divination.

Venus brings love at first sight, artistic talents, joy, harmony, happiness, well being, social relationship, emotions, friendship, sexuality

Principle: Feminine
Average time in each constellation: 18 days

Maximum influence in Taurus, sexuality, tenderness, fidelity, artistic gifts, generosity, luxury
Minimum influence in Scorpio, jealousy, passionate love, sacrifice, dream, possessiveness, romanticism

Maximum influence in Libra, social relationship, love desire, lack of confidence
Minimum influence in Aries, need of attention and affection, egoistic love, discussion, impulsion

Venus announces a victory



Ruler of Aries


Opposite sign:Libra (Air)

Main character: Leader, getter, renovator

As the sign of birth and seed of life, Aries is a fighter, full of vitality and enthusiasm. He is a go-getter, impulsive, brave. He is a leader and is ambitious. He does everything without patience.
Aries prefers efficiency and leadership to honours. He is not a subtle character but goes straight to the goal, without diplomacy.

Ruler of Scorpio


Opposite sign:Taurus (Earth)

Main character: Stable, disciplined, not easily influenced

Scorpio has deep and intense passions. Her devotion is limitless. She is gifted with great intuition and perception senses which gives her the ability to change destiny. Her interests are the mysteries, the hidden, the unknown.


Mars is the deity of war. He symbolizes energy, motivation, courage, dynamism, action, will, violence, efficiency. Mars symbolizes the time when the young man becomes an adult and asserts his personality: the fight for acknowledgement.

Mars brings oppositions, conflicts, problems, tensions, emotions, sexuality, social links

Principle: Male
Average time in each constellation: 57 days

Maximum influence in Aries, energy, self affirmation, impulsion, audacity, courage, impatience, aggressiveness
Minimum influence in Libra, artistic activities, public relationship, strategy, emotional conflicts

Maximum influence in Scorpio, mystery, passion, will, combativeness, sexuality, violence
Minimum influence in Taurus, practicality, steady effort and stubborn nature

If Venus is the attraction force, Mars is the impulsion that brings people together



Ruler of Sagittarius


Opposite sign:Gemini (Air)

Main character: Unstable, prefers to let the destiny works for him, non combatant

Sagittarius searches a balance between instinct and reason as well as body and spirit. His life quest is the resolution of this duality. Sagittarius is a real physical and spiritual traveller. He prefers the adventure and experiences acquired during the journey rather than the destination itself. He is the master of wisdom. He adds artistic, philosophic and spiritual ingredients in all its intentions.

Ruler of Pisces


Opposite sign:Virgo (Earth)

Main character: Unstable, prefers to let the destiny works for her, non combatant

Pisces is hypersensitive, emotional and vulnerable. As she has no shell like Scorpio and Cancer, she uses transformation, manipulation and illusion to hide her sentiments and protect herself. Pisces is imaginative. She is very perceptive and intuitive giving her significant artistic skills.


Jupiter symbolizes joy and harmony as well as success and reward. He represents adulthood, maturity and experience. He spreads wisdom and trust. Jupiter also symbolizes the discovering of the world, long travels, deep explorations in every kind of domain.
Jupiter is indulgent, protective, generous and extravagant.

Jupiter brings trust, success, wisdom, growth, realization

Principle: Male
Average time in each constellation: 1 year

Jupiter in Fire: ambition, personality, personal development, optimism, intellectual aspiration, search for spirituality, travel.
Jupiter in Earth: materialism, idealism.
Jupiter in Air: introspection, communication, too much analysis can bring development problem
Jupiter in Water: emotion, search for love, romanticism, charity, comfort, dream, fantasy, mysticism

Jupiter needs Saturn to confirm his conquests



Ruler of Aquarius


Opposite sign:Leo (Fire)

Main character: Stable, disciplined, not easily influenced

Aquarius is ruled by two opposite planets. Saturn who symbolizes authority, order and discipline and Uranus who brings chaos, revolution and anarchy. This paradox is what makes Aquarius imposes its ideas and vision onto others. He is eccentric, independent and needs to feel different from others.

Ruler of Capricorn


Opposite sign:Cancer (Water)

Main character: Leader, getter, renovator

Capricorn is a double sign. She is both tough and sentimental, Earth and Water. She is materialistic, serious, cautious and practical. She doesn't give space to feelings but she is focused on hard work.
However, her Water side is her element of instability. As an earth principle, Capricorn finds it difficult to manage her own emotions and sentiments.


Saturn is the black sun, the opposite of Jupiter. He symbolizes our own limitations, restrictions and discipline. He defines unacceptable ideas. In fact he is the shadow of Jupiter, he is his support and helper. He is the bad experience, the misfortune that forces us to change, to grow and evolve in order to move out of the abyss.

Saturn brings conflicts, problems, anxiety, conservatism

Principle: Male
Average time in each constellation: 2.5 years

Saturn in Fire: lack of energy and ambitions, no self control, fear of failure, problems, conservatism, closed mind
Saturn in Earth: lack of confidence and material support, delay, hard work, individualism, materialism, stubbornness
Saturn in Air: lack of openness and communication, self discipline, authority
Saturn in Water: Emotional inhibition, increased pain of mental injuries, high vulnerability.

Saturn represents the control you have on yourself



Ruler of Aquarius


Opposite sign:Leo (Fire)

Main character: Stable, disciplined, not easily influenced

Aquarius is ruled by two opposite planets. Saturn who symbolizes authority, order and discipline and Uranus who brings chaos, revolution and anarchy. This paradox is what makes Aquarius imposes its ideas and vision onto others. He is eccentric, independent and needs to feel different from others.


Just like the two other outer planets Neptune and Pluto, Uranus influence expends over a long period of time. Uranus symbolizes change, revolution, surprise, individualism, independence and the root of progress.

Uranus brings disorder, chaos, terror, anti socialism, new possibilities

Average time in each constellation: 7 years

Uranus represents the change, both in a positive and a negative way

Uranus is the second ruler of Aquarius



Ruler of Pisces


Opposite sign:Virgo (Earth)

Main character: Unstable, prefers to let the destiny works for her, non combatant

Pisces is hypersensitive, emotional and vulnerable. As she has no shell like Scorpio and Cancer, she uses transformation, manipulation and illusion to hide her sentiments and protect herself. Pisces is imaginative. She is very perceptive and intuitive giving her significant artistic skills.


Neptune is the deity of the oceans. It is the second ruler of Pisces. It symbolizes the slow evolution of our certitudes and visions of our inner and outer worlds. It erases physical and spiritual limits. Neptune opposite character is cynicism, deception and fraud.

Neptune brings visions, dream, inspiration, sensibility, the loss of references, charity

Average time in each constellation: 14 years

Neptune, the communion with the Divine

Neptune is the second ruler of Pisces



Ruler of Scorpio


Opposite sign:Taurus (Earth)

Main character: Stable, disciplined, not easily influenced

Scorpio has deep and intense passions. Her devotion is limitless. She is gifted with great intuition and perception senses which gives her the ability to change destiny. Her interests are the mysteries, the hidden, the unknown.


Pluto is the farthest and slowest planet. Its influence acts at the subconscious level, inside the deep obscurity side of oneself. It is the master of deep transformations, slow and irreversible revolutions.

Pluto brings obstinate, occultism, interest for mysteries and innovations

Average time in each constellation: 20 years

Pluto is the planet of the reformists and innovators

Pluto is the second ruler of Scorpio